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The St. Pauls Tamil Church choir celebrates a long tradition of praising our creator through choral music. Started as a small group of keen amateurs bound by a common love for church music, a four-part choir was formally created in 1984 with Mr. D. Selwyn Gnanaraj taking the lead as choir master and Ms. Shantha Thomas becoming the organist.

In 1985, the choir performed at the first choir Sunday, an annual tradition that continues till today. Apart from this the choir also performs special numbers during the Christmas Carol service, the Easter service and on other special occasions.

Through the years the choir was blessed to have been led by talented choir masters and organists like Mr. Tamil Selvan, Mr. Joyson, Mr. Solomon Samuel, Mr. Asher. We are also grateful to God for all our past Choir members whose contribution to the choir will always be treasured.

At present the choir is perfect blend of enthusiastic youngsters and well experienced seniors bound by common purpose to worship God through Music.


Our Maestro's

Mr. Prince Sundarsingh

Choir Master

Mr. Johnson Dhiraviam


Mr. Roberts


History of our choir

The Choir in its present form was conceived & formed in the year 1985 by Mr. Selvin, our first choir master and Mrs. Shantha Benjamin ably assisted, by being the Organist. The following Choir Masters and Organists have served for the Church Choir and took great efforts to bring the best out of every singer for the glory of God. Today the listed members are in the choir,singing in all parts of voices with a dedicated and very talented Choir Master and an excellent Organist. 

Choir Master's History

1 .Mr. Selvin (1985 - 1990)

2. Mr. Tamil Selvan (1990 - 1993)

3. Mr. T. Solomon Samuel (1993 - 1997)

4. Mr. Prince Sundersingh (1998 - Present)

Organist's History :

1 .Mrs. Shantha Benjamin (1985 -1990)

2. Mr. G. Joyson (1990 - 1995)

3. Mr. Johnson Diraviam (1995 - Present)

Members of our choir



1. Asher Stephen

2. Edwin Anburaj

3. Harrison Peter
4. Jebastin David

5. Jonathan Kirubaharan

6. Jovin Christopher

7. Pravin Navamoney

8. Terry Aldrin

9. Jeshurin Edwin


1. D. Sunderaraj

2. D. Rajakumar

3. David Johnson

4. Jackson Andrews

5. John Samuel

6. J. Immanuvel

7. Jeffry Jebakumar

8. J. Periyanayagam

9. Pravin Davamony



1. Alecia Wilson

2. Angelina Prakash

3. Gifty Johnson

4. Gracia Terry

5. Hannah Robins

6. Maria Anthony

7. Jency Immanuvel

8. Jyothimani Wilson

9. Maggie David

10. Rebecca Hector

11. Sheeba Hector

12. Sheryl Benson

13. Sumita Jackson

14. Suja Jebakumar

15. Evangeline Gladin

16. Melita Benn

17. Geeta Benson



1. Cressida Jebastin

2. Christa Richard

3. Karen Robins

4. Sylvia Pravin

Choir Sunday 2019


Special Songs

Choir Sunday 2019


An Inside Look

Christmas carol 2018
choir 4
choir 3
choir 2
choir 2

The choir takes part in various competitions conducted by different organisations and brings laurels and due credit to the Church in many ways. The Choir sings special songs during the service in various occassions. Every year the Choir Sunday is celebrated in the month of September. During the Christmas Carol Service,

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