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Rajalatha C

Leviticus is the 3rd book of the Christian Bible and the Torah.

Leviticus is known as the book of rules - The purpose of this book is to provide laws and instructions to give guidance to the Israelites 

In Hebrew Leviticus is known as ‘Wayiqra’ - meaning 'And He will declare.'

There are 613 laws found within the book of Leviticus.

The Israelites were allowed to make grain offerings to the Lord, but were forbidden to burn two things with the grain – These two things were honey and leaven. They were forbidden because of the fermentation properties they possessed and how they represented the corruption of sin.

The Israelites planted fruit trees within the Land of Canaan but were not allowed to eat of them until the 5th year after they were planted. – This was most likely to let the trees mature and grow. Birds would also have the opportunity to eat the fruit and spread the seeds of the trees around the Israelites land.

There are 5 different types of offering discussed within Leviticus - They are the burnt offering, the peace offering, the meal offering, the sin offering and the trespass offering.

Israelites when loaning services or money to the poor, were not allowed to charge interest.

A major message of Leviticus is the holiness of God and how sinful man can approach Him.

The book of Leviticus emphasizes the people’s need to be holy in their everyday living in response to God.

To be holy means to be “set apart” or “Separated.” The Israelites were to be separated from other nations unto God

A verse from the book of Leviticus that sums up what that book is all about - “Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine.” (Le 20:26)

Leviticus is right in the middle of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. It has a reputation for being boring, harsh, and unpopular. But it is not the least popular book of the Bible.

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